Thanks Houston Astros Tickets for the support

Tokyo Auto Salon 2015 CH 3

Earlier this month, I posted up photos from my last minute adventure to Tokyo ( to hold you over until this massive post on Tokyo Auto Salon 2015! *WARNING…100+ photos, but but split into 4 chapters…so don’t forget to slow down for some sporadic words and click the link at the bottom for the continued…

Tokyo Auto Salon 2015 CH 2

Earlier this month, I posted up photos from my last minute adventure to Tokyo ( to hold you over until this massive post on Tokyo Auto Salon 2015! *WARNING…100+ photos, but but split into 4 chapters…so don’t forget to slow down for some sporadic words and click the link at the bottom for the continued…

Tokyo Auto Salon 2015

Earlier this month, I posted up photos from my last minute adventure to Tokyo ( to hold you over until this massive post on Tokyo Auto Salon 2015! *WARNING…100+ photos, but but split into 4 chapters! Although we were lucky enough to be inside early for the Business & Press Invitation access, it was still…

Aloha Tokyo

Last weekend, I gave into peer pressure (thanks Mark, Anton, Brian, and Dat!) and hopped on a last minute flight to Tokyo. While I finish post processing my photos from Tokyo Auto Salon, here’s some photos from the rest of our adventures. Fresh from the airport, we went straight to the RWB Car Meeting at…

The Hiroshima Bomber

TRA-Kyoto. It may be hard to stand out from the rest with the growing number of S-Chassis on a 6666 designed kit. Don’t get me wrong, but I still believe that Rocket Bunny kits really do look good, if not the best. But Takashi Mine‘s add-ons made his PS13 distinct with his personal touches. On…

RWB Kamiwaza, Maria and Yves Piaget

Being an avid follower of the RWB culture I made it sure to take photos and listen to insights of the men behind these cars during Offset Kings Japan. Rauh-Welt Begriff displayed three builds, Kamiwaza, Maria and Yves Piaget.  Check out the photos. First up is one of my personal favorites, Kamiwaza which is owned by one…

The World Time Attack Challenge Japan

The first leg of Formula D Japan was held during the Japan Motor Games last July 6 to 7 together with the World Time Attack Challenge. The event had familiar drivers/tuners from the Japanese community as well as visitors and competitors from all around the world.  Enjoy the photos. Day 2 was set for the finals of Formula D…

FatlaceTV: Offset Kings Japan 2014

Our visit to Japan is definitely the highlight of our show season. Every year, thousands of people come to this event ever since we brought it here 4 years ago. What’s best is we get to see some of the most modified cars first hand and see some trends before they hit state side. Check…