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Tokyo History Garage, Games & RWB Visit

Last week the fatlace crew along with Hunter & Myself went touring around Japan and since some of these guys haven’t been to RWB or the History Garage at Megaweb, I thought I’d play host and take them there. Here’s photos from the day of awesomeness… Lets start with the History Garage at Megaweb. I…

24 must see and do’s in Japan…

There is nothing cooler than getting on a plane, and going somewhere unknown.  So many new experiences await you.  After having lived in Japan for going on 6 years now I enjoyed going through a bunch of my photos and laughing at some of my previous experiences.  So I decided to compile a little ‘list…

AutoFashion Imp Japan pt. 2

Took long enough to write the follow up to part 1 of the AF Imp Japan but here it is, finally. If you missed P1 or even the preview, click here and here to get you refreshed. Anyways, AF Imp has been around for many many years and we’re excited that we were a part…

7 Days in Osaka | Day 4 Shopping

Spent yesterday walking around one of the shopping district of Osaka. It was a national holiday so the financial district was closed but small shops were open. I would say its very similar to Tokyo shopping but with less people, obviously. Here’s photos from today. Checked into the St. Regis Hotel which btw is a…