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Next Stop: Japan

I have some insanely exciting news everyone, I will be accomplishing one of my life goals next month. For the first time in history, I Michael Klonoff, will be setting foot on foreign soil in none other than Japan! I have always been entranced by the car culture, food culture, and technology that comes from…

State of Adventure

Last week we escaped suburbia to explore the next Seventh Wonder of the Oregon on our list, the Painted Hills! We had the crazy idea to do this 9 hour round trip adventure in one day, which made for an extremely long one…so here are some words of wisdom from our experience: Go during summer…

When the boy came home.

     There was a boy who loved to travel. He went everywhere and lived differently every stop. There was an unknown excitement coming from within whenever he’s about see a new place and a pinch of loneliness each time he left. He wondered why couldn’t he feel fully happy? But he kept moving anyway.    …


Everywhere I go whether for vacation or business, I always plan for a photo adventure. Last weekend’s work retreat to Mount Hood was no different…except that when I made it to Trillium Lake, I was so blessed to be in the right place at the right time to capture the Aurora Borealis and the Milky…

If Heaven Were White Sands National Monument…

To give you an idea of much I wanted you to see the actual beauty that is White Sands National Monument, I spent 5ish hours CALIBRATING MY MACBOOK SCREEN. Let that process for a moment. I could’ve been slow roasting ribs. Or napping. Or flying across the ocean to some paradise island. Or anything better…

Chasing Suns…

Sunrises and sunsets are every photographer’s dream window of time. It’s the golden hour: if you’re lucky, the sky is awash with stunning hues, sharp angles are dramatized in the best ways possible and 97.9% of subjects look angelic no matter what. Can you imagine if the magic of sunrises and sunsets lasted five hours…

Carlsbad Caverns

I didn’t instagram any images from Carlsbad Caverns ‘cuz… well… it’s really hard to shoot in a super dimly lit space with a cracked iPhone 5. Heck, my 5D images didn’t even turn out as well as I’d hoped (note to self/ readers: bring a tripod) but I think these give you an idea of just how…