For 12 days. 27th August – 7th September.

After 20 plus years of dreaming, I’m making my way over to from London to America for the first time next week.  As cliche as it sounds, It has always been a dream to visit the states and no other trip has got me this excited and I’m positive it won’t let me down.

It’s going to be a brilliant opportunity to see for myself the culture of Fatlace and Illest and soak up everything i’ve imagined from social media. It will also be great to meet new and like minded people.  I have penciled in plans to visit the Illest store in LA at some point and will also be heading over to San Fran for 2 days (31 August – 2nd September) too to check out the Fatlace paddock.  Predominantly i’ll be in LA, if you want to give me any pointers, link up, go eat, recommendations etc please feel free to contact me on  I want to fit in as much as I possibly can!

PS: Mark, I want a ride in at least one of your cars (Preferably the RWB), cheers.