It’s been a few days since the earthquake in Japan which caused a huge Tsunami which has taken the lives of thousands in Japan. I’ve been thinking about the many friends and families we’ve got to know over the last 15 years going there. I’m saddened to think your life can change with one unexpected event. Earthquake, Tsunami and now a Nuclear Power plant meltdown is what’s on the mind of people there. I could go into the one theory that could have caused this disaster but I want to focus on how we as a company and as humans can help.
So in the next day we’re going to figure out the best possible way to donate to the hundreds of thousands of people displaced from this event. We’ll let you know and will be happy to hear suggestions on how to help. Japanese Red Cross Society is definitely on our list and should be on yours but we would like to do more.
Thanks and keep your thoughts and prayers to the people who have suffered and will be suffering from this catastrophe in the next year.
(image on google search)
Mark Arcenal
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hey mark post up the site for stickers we are doing.
donate all the proceeds to japan relief fund.
Also trying to work with some people out in Japan to get some of the money to go towards the tracks and whatnot that have been ruined!
heres the links
stickers order here
thanks again!
I just ordered 1 of each. Thanks for donating the proceeds.
Special edition shirts that donate profits.
We’re definitely doing a 100% donation, we’re just thinking what.
special edition stickers would also work
you will get more $$ from stickers, not everyone can afford shirts
I would buy both!
defenetly a rising sun logo sticker , like the one on here.sticker could also be a reminder to people wherever they see the ride to keep donating and praying for japan.
yea the rising sun, for sure
Have a variety of donation types.
lanyards,keychains,stickers,the more cheaper, the more people can come and contribute
Stickers, Shirts, Lanyards, Maybe host an event?
Special edition shirts and stickers!
I believe in the theory. I think we should just donate money, we dont need anything in return
wow, i just spent the last hour reading and watching videos about HAARP. pretty crazy. makes me wonder.
Just make sure you guys keep this in mind when choosing a charity:!5781182/did-your-donation-really-reach-japan-probably-not
a conmemorative sticker!
I’m Japanese one of fatlace fan.
I can not speak english well.
But,I want to send message “Thank you very much” all of pray for us.
I love fatlace!
I love illest!!
do work crew! Let’s get Japan going strong!
im really diggin how everyone is getting together to help a country in need, shows the good in humanity
All the money you guys made selling Weapon R wheel spacer. (look up the inventory).
Ask your good friend John Pangilinan to help selling the Scion/ Seibon tC from SEMA and basically donate all the money you guys made by selling Chinese knockoff.
Also ask your “crew” to sell all the Rota wheels and start FRESH!
That should do it.
Hey Alex,
Can you be more of an inhumane person? Attack fatlace as a company so you can jackoff on the comment. Way to go internethug. Show us what you’ve done in this world that justifies your life as a human being and keep off the JDM nuts. Who’s the wannabe?
Couldn’t of said it better myself.
WOW ! AYFKM !! You are a total asshole ! who gives a FUCK about “knock off shit” when people lives are being ruined !? This is to HELP PEOPLE, not flex your lame ass JDM elitist attitude, which is in a way a total contradiction.
hey, dude, the meaning of stelling merchandise is to raise a fund and donate to HELP people in japan, not to fill our own pockets >.<
you really thought we where that heartless ?
c'mon ..
Wow.. Someone is a little but hurt. Hey Alex, think before you type next time dude. Its real simple, you should learn it. Some people might have family over there or some people might actually have a heart and feel bad for them. Next time you wanna be a e-thug, take it somewhere else or dont do it at all.
Butt hurt*. Sorry, you knew the concept though.
i lol’d…is this guy serious?
Hey Mark, keep us updated on what you guys decide to do! I’ll help spread the word any way I can!
I’m down for some sticker, lanyard, maybe shirts and an event.
Do what you guys do best.
My boys and I here in Guam are planning a carwash…. all proceeds will be donated to help Japan.
I think you should post up or have donations area at the up and coming hellaflush shows/events.
or have a “help japan car show”. maybe even do a canned food donation clothes etc.
fatlace has the support, you guys can make it happen
Fatlace has made a good name for itself over the last couple of years. Maybe put together Fatlace Japan Relief Fund Car Meets around the country. Each car meet brings together peeps for the car meet and everyone donates like $5, $10, $15, $25, $50, $100, etc. using an iPhone at a Fatlace popup tent using the Square device/account that the co-founder of twitter came up with. The car meets don’t have to be car shows so no trophies. Remember the whole point is to raise relief funds for japan’s affected areas. Fatlace could also put up its items for sale and donate a portion of its profits to the relief fund.
or something like that..
have a great day everyone. be grateful…
actually i have about 70 t-shirts with two different designs on them that are pretty tight. i am willing to donate them knowing all the money earned from them would go towards the japan relief fund.
I have a brand new WHITE S/M size t-shirt with 3/4 arm length style with TOKYO wrote on it and BIG RED (Japan flag) circle on the side. I can sell it on ebay then donate it but I think it will get more audience/people look at it if Fatlace sell it, maybe ? email me if anyone from Fatlace interested.
both stickers and a shirt would be cool. ADAPT is doing a fresh limited edition t-shirt(mens&womens) for $28 with 100% of the proceeds going to Japan relief. If anyones intersested heres a link.
Yeah, a T-shirt would do wonders; so would stickers. ADAPT clothing is doing pretty well with their shirts.
I think an event like Word Up! or a Hellaflush meet could make people come together and buy some stuff as well as just donating money. I’m sure that can contribute a lot to what everyone is doing to help.
Hey mark, I am the president of Skylines Australia – Victoria, we are running a charity cruise for the cause, if you have any stickers you print up for the event we could sell some at the event 🙂
@all the fucking idiots that follow the Fatlace/ Illest/ Hellaflush shit.
I gave SUGGESTIONS based on FACTS ! FACTS that have occured !
Japan has been hit HARD (economically speaking) BEFORE the earthquake hit. Yet nobody gave a shit and still some of you went out and bought knockoff Chinese shit !
Now, I am NOT saying that if you were buying legit stuff Japanese would live a better life, BUT everything helps !!! NOW that the Japanese need it the most !
Now you fucking bunch of moron want to kiss Fatlace’s ass and GET TOGETHER? You guys are a bunch of fagots !
Wanna donate some money for those poor Japanese people:
And here:
Now go online and donate some money greedy fagots !
No need to prove you bought a stinking Fatlace sticker for a good cause !
Go online (using the above American Red Cross site), and donate money yourself !
And before ANY of you make any fucking ASSUMPTION of who I am and what I do, get your fucking FACTS straight !
Yo alex, who blogs for “The Real JDM” needs to relax. All you do is talk shit about us when you indeed have no facts. I personally have purchased a bunch of stuff from Ben when I built my S2000 back in 2001 and I’m amazed at why you’re on their site when all you do is talk shit about everyone.
Don’t you realize a ton of Japanese “JDM” products are made in China so why all the hate towards us? We’ve never made any chinese “knockoff” products so I really dont know where you’re coming with this. We collaborated with Weapon-R to make a small run of spacers last year that are manufactured in China. Does that justify us being a knockoff company? No I dont think so. Weapon-R is a usa based company that manufactures their product in china. Most of the world manufactures in China now. If you have hate towards them cause the way they operate, you should just visit them since you’re local and in norcal.
We’ve been collaborating with Japan for almost a decade now. From AME, Enkei, Endless, Medicom, Thoroughly, and G-Shock, I think we’ve worked with enough Japanese brands and also had a location in Japan.
To someone that is “JDM”, you sure aren’t helping much by hating when all we’re trying to do is help our friends and family over in Japan. If you don’t like what we’ve done throughout the 12 years in existence, you don’t need to be here.
I’m down for whatever FTLC is for. I’d be down for a show/meet that charged a few bucks and took donations. The freshest cars doing the freshest things!
Thats not a bad idea has some nice stickers. I ordered 3 of them as soon as I saw it. You have to pay for shipping, and I’m not completely sure how much of it goes to the Red Cross in Japan. They’re $2 each, so hopefully they’ll sell a lot. If Fatlace sold them too, somehow, it’d be awersome. You guys could maybe work together on stickers and ideas?
I think the more people are helping, the better. Direct to red cross is great.
thanks mark. we need all the help we can get here in japan. it’s the actions that could make a difference. and fatlace has it to get the momentum going.
charity meet sounds like a great idea. t-shirt and stickers will be affordable to many, and i’m very sure everyone’s support counts.
things aren’t looking up right now, and it’s even snowing tonight at the sites. electricity’s down and people are actually freezing… i’m trying to make a difference as little as it may be, but i’m worrying about the exposure to growing radiation level myself… sob
so wheres the merchandise?
Sorry for babbling.
Living in Fukushima Prefecture, Japan My name TatsuyaSaitou.
There are many people in Fukushima’re accused of a nuclear power plant issue, and I blame those in the tsunami. Also came out to starve children and old people is not enough relief.
Nuclear power plant in Iwaki is a lot of people have not evacuated yet.
Not want to be blamed because there is no gasoline.
Figure hell every day see in the video is.
Really encouraging to have someone to cheer you guys but from abroad as.
To convey heartfelt Thank You.
Sorry for babbling.
Living in Fukushima Prefecture, Japan My name TatsuyaSaitou.
There are many people in Fukushima’re accused of a nuclear power plant issue, and I blame those in the tsunami. Also came out to starve children and old people is not enough relief.
Nuclear power plant in Iwaki is a lot of people have not evacuated yet.
Not want to be blamed because there is no gasoline.
Figure hell every day see in the video is.
Really encouraging to have someone to cheer you guys but from abroad as.
To convey heartfelt Thank You.
Yea were r the shirts at I’d buy one
shirts or keychains would be the best bennifit for you guys. Hopefully you guys come up soon i would love to help in anyway possible.