I came across this story first on FSTOPPERS, about 27 year old photographer, Tanner Wendell Stewart and his 365 photo project. Inspired by a trip to Bulgaria and upon meeting a stranger that offered to sell him a baby for what is the equivalent to only $50 US, Tanner decided to capture photos for a year and print a book to sell with the proceeds of which he would donate to aid in helping to abolish human trafficking and modern-day slavery.

Tanner spent a year on the road, working his way around Seattle & the Northwest and eventually venturing out to visit 20 national parks and 5 countries over the following 7 months. Often he sacrificed comfort and safety and slept in his car, stayed with strangers and received some help from friends and family. The images reflect his life on the road and the beauty of the world. The book contains not only the striking imagery but the stories behind each photograph.

Partnering with the A21 Campaign, “an organization which not only fights to end human trafficking and slavery, but whose primary focus is to rescue, save, and restore victims of slavery and trafficking all throughout Eastern Europe,” Tanner has set a goal to reach $45,000. Using IndieGoGo as his platform to crowdsource the donations there are various levels to contribute to this noble cause, while receiving a copy of the “Shoot the Skies” book.

Not only is this a very worthy cause to support, but Tanner’s photography is amazing and the book will not only serve as a visual art piece for your coffee table, but as a symbol of hope and charity. With less than $10,000 left towards his goal there are only 21 days left to contribute and purchase your own book, which is 400 pages and 8 x 10, HERE. I’ll be patiently waiting for my copy of the book in June.

To learn more check out his video below and read the original FSTOPPERS article.

The images and more can be found through the Shoot the Skies website, Flickr and Instagram.