Thanks Houston Astros Tickets for the support

Incase Pathway Collection

Introducing the Pathway Collection from Incase, a six-piece range of bags and cases inspired by classic tailoring and designed for carrying with refined style. Traditionally crafted with genuine leather and luxurious cotton twill fabric, the Pathway Collection’s premium construction lends an understated sophistication to a selection of uncomplicated silhouettes. Magnetic closures and simple geometry maintain…

Faster than you think

Without a camera, life becomes snapshots in your head. Some you remember, some you forget and as fast as it flys by, you only have those photos to look back on. I try and carry a camera with me wherever I go. Here’s some of the last 2 months thru my lens. I’ll keep pushing…

Bodi @ 1:AM SF Gallery

During these long stretched weekends, San Francisco almost turns into a ghost town seeing how everyone is in a rush to search for better weather in other areas. It’s these times where you can just walk around with nothing but you and homeless people that give this city character. What compelled me to go towards…

WekFest – EAST

This past weekend, WekSos held their first WekFest on the east coast [WekEast]. I was blown away with the number of quality cars that made it to the show. I was honored to have my own car in it after seeing the level of quality and workmanship that most, if not all, of the cars…