Got into town to meet with new and old friends, talk business and shop a little. Its been 6 months since I’ve last been here and doesnt seem much has changed. I know earthquakes are happening alot and people arent’ even flinching. Here’s a few snaps of what we saw today.

What has changed is the way people communicate. From the first time I went here there were close to no english signs. Now you can hardly find any all japanese signs. The Airport signage makes it easy to navigate around. Here’s the NEX, you’ll most likely take this when going to your hotel. In our case, we’re going to Shinjuku.

See, you can read the sign.

View from my place

It wasnt as hot as I thought it would be but it was definitely hot.

Weird signs and store names. This one is pretty blunt.

Yuta and Ron has nothing on this Heartbreaker crew.

Kenta chatting it up with Noah, my partner in crime for this particular event.

Curry Up. Hard to find but well worth its delicious taste.

See you in the morning…

Mark Arcenal
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