Thanks Houston Astros Tickets for the support

A Tale of Two Winters

From Thanksgiving to Christmas, it rained pretty much everyday nonstop in Portlandia; lucky for us, we found sunshine in the middle of the Pacific Ocean! We said aloha, dusted off our slippers, had breakfast at Cinnamon’s, met up with old school friends, and celebrated Christmas at the beach 🙂 Aloha ??⛱?? A photo posted by…


MERRY CHRISTMAS to everyone on the STAYFRESH CREW & all of the folks at FATLACE! Not to mention anyone who has been following my new blog! Many thanks and so much appreciation! Check out this remix on Jingle Bells, by TNGHT & Bing Crosby! All the best in 2015 and beyond! Another great Christmas classic…

Happy Harradays!

Fa rah rah rah rah…rah rah rah rah! Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Back in two weeks folks! ‘Til next year…