This completely unrelated headline sounded clever a year ago when I first thought of it, but now I’m just eager to share some flicks from quite possibly my favorite city in Italy. Thanks to my amazing hosts, the Scarpellis (who just welcomed a beautiful baby girl into the world… congrats guys!) I had an unbelievably awesome time in Florence. The city is rich with history, bustling with just the right amount of activity and teeming with delicious eats at every corner!



Way back when, my buddy Tay, who had studied abroad there in college, mentioned how infatuated he was with Florence. It’s hard for me to imagine any one place with such pull, but man oh man was he right. While I don’t think I could live there, or even spend months on end there, it’s certainly an amazingly quaint European city that immediately feels homey.






If you have the chance to visit, I highly recommend it! Run to the Piazza Michelangelo and then back into the city through the curving roads where locals commute. Shop at the Officina Profumo Farmaceutica di Santa Maria Novella. Buy a 3euro bottle of wine and drink it while roaming around the city. Walk the city with gelato in hand after eating your weight in Florentine steak. Listen to street musicians perform as candlelight dances off the Statue of David in front of Accademia Gallery. This was one of the first trips I took completely solo & every turn gave me a renewed zeal for life.


On my last night, we were witness to an incredible sunset over the Ponte Vecchio. The clouds parted just long enough for the golden red/ orange/ purple/ yellow rays to beam across the ancient bridge and I remember being awestruck at what a beautiful sight it was. Never not a sucker for sunsets (and sunrises).

