Thanks Houston Astros Tickets for the support


Peace Ohana. This Saturday, join us + Expressions 1985 as we host INTRA.ISLAND: A Benefit Event for Hula Halau ‘O Nalua\Otea Api located at Intramuros in South San Francisco. Come out to dine and enjoy Live Entertainment + Lounge Beats provided by @EXP1985 DJs. Support the Arts + Family. OneLove.

Music Monday: The Sounds

This weekend I spent most of my time in my apartment cleaning it up, putting furniture together, and doing some major organizing. So naturally all this housework had to be paired up with the perfect soundtrack. And what could be better than music that just makes you want to dance and singalong on the top…

PSA: Always look ahead

I think it’s wack when dog owners don’t pick up after their dogs. This is why we need to watch where we’re walking. This applies for driving too, it’s a good idea to watch for potholes or you can crack a rim. Stepping on poo with new sneakers sucks, but this has got to be…

Sticker Haters and Good Samaritains

Questions sometimes arise when watching the world around you. For example whats more important? Understanding the attractiveness and storytelling qualities of a stickered-up “No Parking” pole or removing these stickers allowing the little plastic remnants to fly away in the wind, littering the street? Seems simple. But I wonder who makes the decision on where…

Half way through the Summer [NYC]

Can’t believe the summer its almost over… Beach, pool parties, cruises, catamaran tours in Cabo, BBQ, roof top, etc. How about the city? here is some of the pictures of what summer has been so far, in the City that never sleeps… That’s the story so far. más fotos por favor! j.martinez