Thanks Houston Astros Tickets for the support

Special Treat: Woodley & Bunny Salon

The other night, Woodley & Bunny held a private and special treat with a few of your LadyLike ladies and friends! Thanks to Kaitlin and Will who provided mini-facials and make-up application. With top of the line products, we learned which types of apothecary items to use for each type of skin type as well…

Pow Wow Sessions at FTLC

So we had a little pow wow with the folks from Oregon and the little company I used to work for called Nike. Esaie was my brother from another mother when I worked there so it was good to see him. It was also great to see really awesome training shoes for Fall 2011. I…

Alexander Wang S/S11 Accessories Collection

Here’s the full collection of the upcoming Alexander Wang S/S11 accessories. There are so many bags and shoes to DIE FOR. Man…looks like it’s time to start saving up………..or time to just continue saving… (DYING DYING DYING for the flat oxford style on the right) (via: Ztylistas)

Who’s Instore

After hitting up the paddock, Ernie from Stay Fresh Crew Rolled thru HQ with a few guests. Great meeting RJ, Ernie’s Brother, and Girlfriend. They’ll be attending WORD UP tomorrow so stay tuned for pics of the event from many different points of view.   Thanks Guys!

UNDFTD x Converse x ID Agency Lincoln MKX

The ID Agency Lincoln MKX was used in the latest photoshoot for Undefeated to promote the upcoming Poorman Weapon Capsule Line releasing on “Grey” Friday Nov. 26 at all UNDFTD locations. The capsule collection includes a pair of UNDFTD x Converse Poorman Weapon Grey, Bomber jacket, and utility bag (each sold separately). The ID Agency…

Ride & Smokin’ with Fashawn

Fashawn is just releasing music videos back to back! Here’s Fresno’s “Bart Simpson” in his new video “Ride & Smokin’”. Fashawn is wearing the Slammed Society tee! Buy one too at the Fatlace Emporium! Check out his new mixtape! Grizzly City 3. [youtube][/youtube]

J. Cole-Friday Night Lights

Despite being swamped with work out at UCSB, I had the chance to listen to J. Cole’s new mixtape.  While his deep, intelligent lyrics have always been his calling card, J. Cole’s beats have come a long way since his earlier music.  Featuring sped-up soul vocal samples accompanied by an overall deep, dark vibe, J.…