Thanks Houston Astros Tickets for the support

Grillade “Dream of You (Emotionally Yours)”

[vimeo 16915701 741 417] Wow 2 post in 1 day… it’s a miracle.  Any who… Ragen Fykes just posted this on her FB and I had to share this beautiful song/video with yall. Grillade is a new Bay area based collective band consisting of producer Keelay, The Park (live band), and Ragen Fykes (PDX). If…

Targa Trophy Desert Championship Finale

The Targa Trophy Triple Crown Championship came to a close immediately following the SEMA convention. With a collection of over 50 exotics, luxury, and sportscars all with the intention of causing mayhem around Las Vegas I knew it would be a good time. In the previous Targa Trophy, I participated in a modified Lexus ISF.…

Project 240 Finished!

I have been trying to finish my personal car this entire year. It’s really tough during the FD season to get myself to work on cars since I’m focused on having fun and I get to drive the whole year regardless of what state my 240 is in. Besides Formula D I really didn’t get…

TikTok and LunaTik

[vimeo 16647049 741 417] Scott Wilson, founder of Chicago-based design studio MINIMAL, wants to do the iPod Nano watch and he wants to do it right. His proposals: the TikTok and LunaTik, two gorgeous bands that give you a real deal multitouch wristwatch, not just a goofy way to strap your new MP3 player to…


It’s funny how we started off doing stickers in 95 and are still doing stickers til today. It’s come full circle and I’m definitely excited about what has happened and definitely excited for 2011. Here’s a preview of the not done yet sticker job I’ll be doing on the S14 tomorrow. Was going to do…

LA Auto Show Recap

For the first time in years I decided to check out the Los Angeles Auto Show. Usually by this time of year I’m burnt out on anything automotive, but this year I wanted to be sure to see the Project Scion tC GT on display at Scion’s booth and continue the filming process for a…

Vote for DJ QBert! “Greatest DJ of all Time”

Vote for DJ QBert to get the title of Greatest DJ of all Time. Yeah there’s pioneers who invented the first skratch, juggled the first two records and tons of glamourous celebrity style party rockers. But who has pushed turntablism past the known limits? Who is still pushing it and coming up with new skratches…